The Quintessential Journey


Quintessential: Adjective

Representing the most perfect or most typical example of something

I am going to have a real moment with you here. This word and its definition have caused me much stress in my career. To embody this word is a tall order for any entity. To be the most perfect or typical example of a investment/insurance firm would and should cause any owner an immense amount of stress. Many firms can say that they are quintessential, but to truly be the flagship that every other firm is trying to replicate is quite the accomplishment.

For almost 15 years this has been my dream. I have worked tirelessly to not only be able to say it but be able to know that when a client chooses Q Wealth Management that they truly are with the best. The firm you are with needs to be more than just a place to invest money. This journey will be one of the most important of your life. It deserves a firm that will be there through all the contingencies and curve balls that life may throw at you.

Let Q Wealth Management show you what its like to have a partner through this journey. A partner that will not rest until you are in your own quintessential situation. Come on in and lets get your quintessential journey started today!




Here at Q Wealth Management we take pride in our broad licensing and certifications. We have worked tirelessly to ensure that our product offering and investment concepts are second to none. If you can think it, we can explore it. How refreshing to know that your investment and insurance firm can bring you the best the market place has to offer. But is that enough?

At Q Wealth Management our moto is “Be the Best or don’t bother”. Our goal is not to be good at many things, but to be excellent at a few. And with that excellence, passion must follow. I promised myself at the beginning of my career that if I ever lost my passion for what I do, that I would stop doing it. This job is our coffee in the morning. It is what helps get us out of bed.

In short, having a certification alone isn’t enough. Systems, processes, experience, options and passion are just a few things that Q Wealth Management have found that are critical to creating an atmosphere that will encourage and promote success.

Come on in, pull up a chair and let Q Wealth Management show you how we are simply a cut above the rest!

Q Wealth Management = Quality

At the Walker house hold dad has a saying when he cooks that I bet all my kids could state verbatim. 

"Anyone can cook a meal, but what makes a meal really taste special is if its cooked with LOVE"

I love to take my time and really think about what I am cooking and what would make it unique and special to those that are about to eat it. This type of thinking is something that has not stopped in the kitchen for me. 

So what sets Q Wealth Management apart from other Investment Firms? 

LOVE: noun

    an intense feeling of deep affection.

    "babies fill parents with intense feelings of love"

    synonyms:deep affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, attachment, endearment

I know I know, its a little corny, but this is truly the X factor that sets us apart. I love love love what I do. This is my dream job. I wake up every morning excited to see the relationships, connections and differences that our office can make in peoples lives. It is what drives me and fulfills my days. 

I'm sure there are businesses out there that can bring a level of quality to their clients without this secret ingredient; but as for me and my staff we will stick with what  works for us.

If you are in the market for a new advisor or are intrigued about Q Wealth Management, we hope you take some time and schedule a meeting to come in and meet the Q Wealth family.